Love Dolphins? Another reason to hate whales!!

Posted: June 26th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Dolphin | 3 Comments »

Killer whales are driving pods of dolphins into tight bays and EATING THEM.

Watch a video of it here (which is also the source article). The video is boring – I want a close up of a whale chewing into a dolphin.

“It took a few years for the killer whales to figure out how to trap these clever creatures. Eventually the Orcas mastered the technique of luring them into inlets, turning picturesque coves into literal dead-ends. ”


3 Comments on “Love Dolphins? Another reason to hate whales!!”

  1. 1 Whales are good said at 4:49 am on February 25th, 2014:

    Really, it is not cruel of whales to do that!

  2. 2 Whales are awesome said at 7:42 pm on February 25th, 2014:

    Seriously, what did whales ever do to you to make you hate them so much?

  3. 3 Laney said at 9:23 pm on April 12th, 2014:

    The real question for you is what have whales ever done FOR you? And the answer is: NOTHING! Whales are big, really large, and frightening. They KILL people. It is a known fact that whales kill people. Google it. I support this website and its cause 100%!

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