Yay NorCal! Fifth Dead Whale In 3 Weeks Washes Ashore NorCal Beach

Posted: July 1st, 2015 | Author: | Filed under: Beached, Humpback, Whale | 1 Comment »

Not sure what’s up with NorCal, but it makes me appreciate the northern part of this state oh so much more than the southern part. Los Angeles, you are way behind on beached whales. Get on that!
The best part? The beached whale is a HUMPBACK. On my list of least to most hated whales, Humpback are at the top of MOST HATED.
Also, this is a female humpback. So one less whale to pump out baby whales.

Here is the article with all the information

Damn, check out this beached whale list:

  • The 32 foot long humpback, with 4 broken bones and hemorrhaging
  • 48 foot male sperm whale
  • 25 foot killer whale
  • Two grey whales
  • Another 40 foot grey whale
  • 23 foot yearling (with killer whales teeth marks – GO KILLER WHALES!)

Even killer whales hate other whales. Killer Whales are my LEAST hated whale. SO they can die out last.

So based on that alone, there was at least 200 feet of WHALE beached. Disgusting. Think about all that whale in the ocean, just whaling around. /shudder

One Comment on “Yay NorCal! Fifth Dead Whale In 3 Weeks Washes Ashore NorCal Beach”

  1. 1 Whale said at 5:31 am on July 21st, 2015:

    You are fucking friks!

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