Posted: June 26th, 2012 | Author: sparky | Filed under: Dolphin | 3 Comments »
Killer whales are driving pods of dolphins into tight bays and EATING THEM.
Watch a video of it here (which is also the source article). The video is boring – I want a close up of a whale chewing into a dolphin.
“It took a few years for the killer whales to figure out how to trap these clever creatures. Eventually the Orcas mastered the technique of luring them into inlets, turning picturesque coves into literal dead-ends. ”
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Posted: September 1st, 2010 | Author: sparky | Filed under: Dolphin, Japan | No Comments »
Article Source

dang, waters runnin red with the blood of dolphiiiin
Apparently it’s dolphin huntin’ season for a town in Japan! “Every year, fishermen in Taiji herd about 2,000 dolphins into a secluded bay, select several dozen for sale to aquariums and marine parks and harpoon the rest for meat, a practice long deplored by animal rights activists…
“I have no idea what the foreigners’ intentions are, but there is nothing unusual going on in the town. Our stance remains the same. The town will continue hunting dolphins no matter what they say,” said the official.” ”
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Posted: July 10th, 2010 | Author: sparky | Filed under: Dolphin | No Comments »
Now, you might be thinking “what do you have against dolphins”? I used to have NO problem with dolphins.. until I read that they can mate with whales, resulting in WOLPHINS! No joke. I read it on Yahoo. It must be true.
So because dolphins can help perpetuate the whales, they fall into the ‘anti’ bucket.
Apparently Amazonian river dolphins are being caught and and their flesh used as bait. Yanno.. people that live there.. first you destroy your rain forest, now you get rid of your river dolphins. I’m all for the latter, but really? You are going to run out of natural resources and that makes me sad, because you have some really unique natural resources.
Best line of the article: Simple economics exacerbates the problem: Killing dolphins is free, and their meat is valuable
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