Posted: June 26th, 2012 | Author: sparky | Filed under: meat | No Comments »
According to this article, Greeland is serving up delicious whale meet, including endangered whale meat!! Get it while it’s still available, people!
“The research by WDCS and the Animal Welfare Institute found that 24 out of 31 restaurants visited, contacted or researched online offered whale meat to tourists. The groups said that meals available to tourists included whale burgers, buffets with whale meat for cruise ship passengers, whale pasta and Thai and sushi dishes. They said a significant proportion of the estimated 200,000 meals served to tourists in the country each year contained whale meat.”

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Posted: June 26th, 2012 | Author: sparky | Filed under: Dolphin | 3 Comments »
Killer whales are driving pods of dolphins into tight bays and EATING THEM.
Watch a video of it here (which is also the source article). The video is boring – I want a close up of a whale chewing into a dolphin.
“It took a few years for the killer whales to figure out how to trap these clever creatures. Eventually the Orcas mastered the technique of luring them into inlets, turning picturesque coves into literal dead-ends. ”
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Posted: September 1st, 2010 | Author: sparky | Filed under: Dolphin, Japan | No Comments »
Article Source

dang, waters runnin red with the blood of dolphiiiin
Apparently it’s dolphin huntin’ season for a town in Japan! “Every year, fishermen in Taiji herd about 2,000 dolphins into a secluded bay, select several dozen for sale to aquariums and marine parks and harpoon the rest for meat, a practice long deplored by animal rights activists…
“I have no idea what the foreigners’ intentions are, but there is nothing unusual going on in the town. Our stance remains the same. The town will continue hunting dolphins no matter what they say,” said the official.” ”
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Posted: August 25th, 2010 | Author: sparky | Filed under: Russia | No Comments »
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Thar she blows!
How awesome is this? “Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin fired darts from a crossbow at a gray whale off Russia’s Far Eastern coast on Wednesday in the latest in a series of man-versus-nature stunts designed to cultivate the image of a macho leader.” I’m so jealous!! Of course, I’d rather use a harpoon than a crossbow. Took him four tries before he hit the whale. 😛
Full article:
MOSCOW – Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin fired darts from a crossbow at a gray whale off Russia’s Far Eastern coast on Wednesday in the latest in a series of man-versus-nature stunts designed to cultivate the image of a macho leader.
Putin held his balance in a rubber boat that was being tossed around in choppy waters off the Kamchatka Peninsula, and eventually hit the whale with a special arrow designed to collect skin samples.
“I hit it at the fourth try!” a beaming Putin, kitted out in black-and-orange waterproof suit and black beanie, yelled to a camera crew from the boat.
A biologist with him displayed the skin sample and said it would allow experts to determine where the whale came from.
When the boat skidded onto the beach, a bouyant Putin hopped off and made a beeline for waiting reporters. Clearly in his element, Putin replied jovially to a question as to whether the endeavor was dangerous.
“Living in general is dangerous,” he quipped. Asked why he got involved, he simply said, “Because I like it. I love the nature.”
During his eight years as president and during the past two as prime minister, Putin has learned to use television to cultivate the image of a rugged leader beloved by the Russian people.
His mastery of the medium has been on full display in recent weeks as he has taken command of efforts to extinguish the wildfires that swept across much of western Russia and to help the thousands of people who lost their homes.
The message has been that it is Putin, rather than his junior co-leader President Dmitry Medvedev, who is equipped to look after Russia, its people and environment. Putin has been canny about his plans to run in the 2012 presidential election, but has excluded running against Medvedev, saying the two will come to an agreement. Whatever the decision, his action-man lifestyle shows he is not about to recede from public view.
He has been photographed fishing bare-chested in Russia’s Altai region, and was shown on television diving into an icy river and swimming the butterfly stroke.
In April he attached a satellite-tracking collar on a tranquilized polar bear. He also has shot a Siberian tiger with a tranquilizer gun and released leopards into a wildlife sanctuary.
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Posted: August 20th, 2010 | Author: sparky | Filed under: Whale | Tags: new zealand | No Comments »
Full article here
Fifty-eight pilot whales died after they washed onto an isolated beach in northern New Zealand and rescue volunteers’ initial efforts to refloat 15 others that survived failed Friday.
A fresh attempt to save the 15 beached sea mammals — which weigh up to 3,300 pounds (1,500 kilograms) each — will be made early Saturday, using machinery including a crane and transporter, said Department of Conservation acting area manager Mike Davies.
The 73 pilot whales probably stranded during the night on remote Karikari Beach which is why so many died before they were discovered, said the department’s community relations manager, Carolyn Smith.
New Zealand frequently sees several mass whale strandings around its coastline, mainly each summer as whales pass by on their migration to and from Antarctic waters. Scientists have not been able to determine why whales become stranded.
A pod of 101 pilot whales stranded on the same beach in 2007.
Kimberly Muncaster, chief executive of the Project Jonah whale aid group, said the 15 surviving whales were in “fairly poor condition.”
About 40 people tried to refloat them at high tide on Friday. Among those helping the department were trained volunteers from the Far North Whale Rescue group.
Davies said the 15 whales would not need to be sedated for Saturday’s second rescue attempt using the heavy equipment as they were already in quite a docile state.
“The plan at first light will be to remove the … whales across about 1 kilometer (half a mile) of road by transporter and refloat them in (nearby) Matai Bay,” he said, where sea conditions would be easier and the bay more sheltered.
New Zealand has one of the world’s highest rates of whale strandings, according to the Department of Conservation. Since 1840, more than 5,000 strandings of whales and dolphins have been recorded around the New Zealand coast.
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Posted: July 21st, 2010 | Author: sparky | Filed under: Whale | No Comments »
Source article
CAPE TOWN, South Africa – A yachter in South Africa says her trip off the country’s picturesque southwestern coast was wrecked by an unexpected whack from a whale.
Paloma Werner said Wednesday the whale breached just feet (meters) from their boat in Cape Town’s waters on Sunday. It whacked the yacht, snapping the mast in two. A local newspaper showed a photo, captured by a passenger on a nearby boat, of a massive black whale towering over the yacht. Werner says neither she nor her companion were hurt, and she saw the whale swimming around minutes after the collision. She says she feels lucky that the mast took the brunt of the blow.
The seas around Cape Town are teeming with whales and great white sharks during the winter months, which fall in the middle of the year
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Posted: July 10th, 2010 | Author: sparky | Filed under: Dolphin | No Comments »
Now, you might be thinking “what do you have against dolphins”? I used to have NO problem with dolphins.. until I read that they can mate with whales, resulting in WOLPHINS! No joke. I read it on Yahoo. It must be true.
So because dolphins can help perpetuate the whales, they fall into the ‘anti’ bucket.
Apparently Amazonian river dolphins are being caught and and their flesh used as bait. Yanno.. people that live there.. first you destroy your rain forest, now you get rid of your river dolphins. I’m all for the latter, but really? You are going to run out of natural resources and that makes me sad, because you have some really unique natural resources.
Best line of the article: Simple economics exacerbates the problem: Killing dolphins is free, and their meat is valuable
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Posted: July 6th, 2010 | Author: sparky | Filed under: Japan | Tags: new zealand, protesters | 1 Comment »
Finally! Japan convicts an anti whaling activist for throwing rancid butter at Japanese whalers.
Dang, maybe he should have refrigerated that butter and used it to braise some fish for eatin’. I bet whale tastes good with butter. Everything tastes good with butter!
Also, the article notes that ” Japan has said the leader of Sea Shepherd, Canadian citizen Paul Watson, 59, is now on an Interpol wanted list for allegedly ordering Bethune’s actions as part of the group’s disruption of Japanese whaling in the Antarctic.” Fierce.
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Posted: July 1st, 2010 | Author: sparky | Filed under: Whale | Tags: fossil, orca, sperm whale | No Comments »

“The massive skull and jaw of a 13-million-year-old sperm whale has been discovered eroding from the windblown sands of a coastal desert of Peru…The giant 3-meter (10-foot) skull … was found with teeth in its top and bottom jaws up to 36 centimeters (14 inches) long.
Living sperm whales have teeth only in their lower jaws and are specialized to feed on giant squid, Lambert explained. They suck down squid like large spaghetti noodles rather than catch the prey with their teeth. The much toothier fossil sperm whales, however, may have eaten more like a outsized-orca, or killer whale: chomping great big bites out of its prey.”
How awesome is this? In our dreams, this whale-eating-whale still exists and is out there, eating whales as I type!!
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Posted: June 29th, 2010 | Author: sparky | Filed under: IWC | No Comments »
AGADIR, Morocco, June 26 (Xinhua) — The 62nd annual meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) ended in failure after delegations have not reached a common ground on a compromise proposal to lift the ban on commercial whaling…
At least 600 delegates from 80 countries have involved in a showdown between pro- and anti-whaling nations. The IWC compromise proposal was to allow Japan, Norway and Iceland to continue commercial whaling for another decade, despite a global ban.
Yet, negotiations fell apart on the compromise proposal despite an unprecedented decision by the IWC to hold the discussions behind closed doors, shutting out civil society and media personnel.
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